Friday, 25 March 2011


When editing I had to remove the original sound from the video before putting the non-digetic music on.
I used a variety of video effects for a reason. At this part of the weighing scales I used peephole to draw focus on the scales as this represented the word "body" in the lyrics. I used the video effect of making the speed faster to suite the pace of the music.

Changing the video to watercolour took a long while because of so many different clips and having to apply it to each one. I chose the have the whole video in watercolour as it brought out the colour of the objects which is a motif/theme throughout my video and also it is meant to make the audience aware that this is just created for entertainment and does not have a storyline. The effect also creates a lighthearted mood that blends well with the lighthearted upbeat music.

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